Brandprinting™ System

Finally! How to Ignite Your Team and
Create a Brand Your Customers will LOVE.
You DON'T have to become a marketing expert to:
get more sales ● build an inspired team ● and have more fun!
From: Tisha Oehmen
RE: Marketing your business
Dear Business Leader,
If you want to earn 10% more on every sale, engage stakeholders to share your vision, or even if you just want to inspire your stakeholders to become a high-performing team, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!
Here's why...
Because when you engage your team in marketing, they take ownership in really creating and co-creating the business. They take pride in showing up for work every day, and they're really invested in making the business the absolute best that it could ever possibly be. They will run through walls for the business – they care, a lot!
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Business ONLY goes where it's invited
Tisha Oehmen, I’m a best-selling author, I’m one of the top 30 Brand Gurus in the World (Global Gurus, 2016), I have an MBA, and I’ve helped established beloved brands that help companies reach their full potential.
Being a Brand Guru means that I've been identified as one of the BEST in the world who teach Branding. It's quite an honor -- and I'm so excited to be taking it to a whole new level with my exciting new Brandprinting System.
This system is so revolutionary you're going to be amazed at how quickly and easily you're able to identify your brand and get to the business of implementing it.
Here's how and why we can make you this promise...

Did you know? Branded companies get to charge almost a
10% premium on every product and service they sell!
According to a 2011 Study by Liu and Hu, branded companies get to charge almost a 10% premium on every product and service they sell! Why? Because they are leveraging their marketing dollars and creating a single, credible, story.
In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...
- You'll discover how to blueprint your brand so that you can earn that 10% premium
- You'll understand exactly why the BEST marketing also creates a high-performing team
- You'll skip past all the hard work and move directly into implementation, so you can get results FAST
- You'll know exactly how to brand your company and imprint that brand to inspire your team
- You'll have passionate + fulfilled employees - striving to help you achieve your business goals

BRANDING is the foundation for everything in marketing and everything in marketing works better when it is approached from a branded position.
When you create consistent marketing you can get top of mind awareness -- which will lead to consistent, explosive growth -- turning the impossible into the possible.
- When you're part of a high performing team with consistent marketing messaging -- you'll love the integrity and alignment you feel at all levels of the organization and in the community.
- When customers are lining up to give you money -- everything else gets so much easier
- See yourself leading a high performing team of people who are willing to run through walls to help you grow your business
So Here's The Bottom Line with the Brandprinting System
You get each of the following modules to help you blueprint your brand so you can imprint it on your business.
- BRANDPRINTING BRAND PERSONALITY SCALE This revolutionary system will have you understanding your brand’s personality in under 15 minutes. In less than the time, it takes to get and drink your morning cup of coffee you could be implementing strategy consistent with your brand’s personality.
Every brand is unique and is built on a unique intersection of ideas. This module will help you to identify your company’s unique brand essence and what makes your business so special. The module will give you a system that will help you communicate the Brand Essence to your employees, co-workers, and other key stakeholders in your organization. - BRANDPRINTING CORE VALUES MODEL
When you understand your brand’s Core Values, you understand the ideals and norms that your company necessarily must operate within. With clearly articulated Core Values, a decision matrix exists that can be used at all levels of the organization allowing the organization to be nimble and decisive. - BRANDPRINTING IDEAL CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE
Knowing what the ideal customer looks like for your company will enhance the possibilities of finding them. This module will help you to identify your Ideal Customer so that you can efficiently and cost-effectively bring them to your door.

Going through the work of identifying your brand doesn’t do any good unless you have a strategy for driving it through your company. This bonus module will provide implementable strategies that you can use to empower employees and enlist stakeholder in sharing your brand vision.
You'll get 5 weekly group calls AND you'll get the exact blueprint you need to succeed.
You get all of this for only $2, introductory price RIGHT NOW of just $297!
But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These
Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...

Bonus #1: All Channel Marketing Field Guide

Bonus #2: Personalized Brand Evaluation
When you send us one piece of each marketing element you have developed, we’ll evaluate it and return our top 5 recommendations for improving those pieces the next time they go to print! Imagine, a professional’s suggestions for your marketing material, with implementable solutions.
Retail Value: $797
These bonuses have a total value of $1,144 ... but they're yours FREE when you act now!
And you have nothing to lose because you'll get...
Here's How To Order Right Now
Go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!
Are YOU Worth The Investment? I know you are...
Tisha Oehmen
P.S. - Every minute you wait is another minute you're charging too little and working to hard. Take action now and start Brandprinting today!
This is an introductory offer. Act now before the price goes up!